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Worship With Us

Sunday Schedule

  • 9am: Coffee Fellowship
  • 9:15am: Children's Choir / All Sunday School
  • 10:30am: Worship, including Children’s Church
  • 5 - 7pm: Youth Group


In addition to in-person worship, we livestream the worship service beginning at l0:30am each Sunday: Click Here

Calendar of Events


Next Tuesday, January 14
9:30am  Chair Yoga
11:00am  Special Care
7:00pm  Tuesday Evening Circle (Diane Simmons' Home)
7:00pm  Sunny 16 Camera Club

PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN Sunday Morning Circle meets the second Sunday in each month at 9:30 a.m. in the Ladies’ Parlor; Circle 9 meets the second Monday in each month at 12:00 noon at a member’s home (no meeting in December); Tuesday Evening Circle meets the second Tuesday in each month at 7:00 Diane Simmon’s home; Wednesday Morning Circle meets the second Wednesday in each month at 9:30 a.m. in the 10th Street Parlor; An exact location for Circle 9 meetings will be provided on the church bulletin’s calendar and in the  60-second email.

DAVID’S ROOM IN THE INN is now hosted at our church each Thursday evening, through mid-March. Please consider volunteering to assist. Many different options exist for supporting this ministry. Signup sheets are on the table at the chapel landing. Thank you!

GLOVES WITH LOVE Our 10th Street fence will be dressed in gloves, socks, hats, and scarves during the winter season. Your donations of items to hang on the fence will be greatly appreciated. All donations can be dropped off in the church office. We also need volunteers for this mission. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Robin by email at or call the office at 270-843-4707.

RESOLUTION RE-FUEL POTLUCK Join on January 12, 2025 for the Resolution Re-Fuel Potluck. The meal will take place after worship service. Please bring your favorite salad (ex: chicken salad, egg salad, fruit salad, leafy salads, bean salad).

SAFE SANCTUARY TRAINING Pastor Kyle will be providing training for everyone who has responsibility in the ministry/teaching of children and youth. It will be offered on January 19 and January 26 at 2:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. An individual can choose either one and only needs to come once.

THE AFTER CHURCH EATING OUT GROUP will resume on January 19th and will eat at India Oven, 1755 Scottsville Road.

JOINT MEET/RETREAT for the Elders and Deacons on Saturday, January 25, from 8:30 am to 11:30 am. We will meet in the Fellowship Hall.

OFFERING ENVELOPES are available outside of the office doors by the stairway and in the chapel landing.

BUCK IN A BASKET offering will occur this Sunday and will go to support the Deacon’s Fund. Buck in a Basket Offering is a twice a month opportunity to consider contributing during the offering for a particular mission not included in our regular budget.

NOW IN THE FELLOWSHIP HALL GALLERY – ArtWorks Sixteenth Annual Winter Exhibit is currently on display in Fellowship Hall until January 16th.  Featuring many artists’ varied works, this art-collective group returns to us for a gallery show through the holidays. Stop to see it if you haven’t checked it out yet!

PRESCHOOL LEARNING CENTER (PLC) is need of volunteer substitute teachers for the 2, 3 and 4 years-old classes. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the PLC Director, Kimberly Watkins at

LAY READERS NEEDED FOR FEBRUARY/MARCH A signup page is online for upcoming lay readers in the coming weeks. If you are willing to serve on one Sunday, please visit this link and sign up for a date. Lay reader information will be emailed on the Friday prior to the date.

NEWSLETTER FOLDERS/SEALERS A signup page is online for upcoming months for Newsletter folders/sealers. If you are willing to volunteer to help in the office with this task, please visit this link and sign up for a date.

Thank you!

Preaching This Sunday:  Erika Solberg
This Sunday: Through the Waters

Community Events

Art Exhibits in our Fellowship Hall

Current Exhibit: ArtWorks Sixteenth Annual Winter Exhibit is currently on display in Fellowship Hall until January 16th.

Preschool Learning Center

Preschool Learning Center (PLC) registration for next year’s classes is now open! Consider mentioning our PLC to any folks you know with children ages 2-4 for next season! Contact Kimberly Watkins at or visit our website to enroll a child for classes next year. Thank you!

photo by @jacobwallphotography

Directions on Sunday Parking

The Presbyterian Church is located in downtown Bowling Green, one block from the Square, next to the historic Courthouse on the corner of 10th Avenue and State Street, six blocks from Western Kentucky University.  On Sunday parking is available across from the church on 10th Avenue, on the street. and at nearby parking lots.  During the week, visitors may park in designated slots in the lot across from the 10th Avenue lobby entrance.

Downtown Bowling Green is popular for its arts, its restaurants and proximity the WKU.  The church serves a diverse community of all ages and demographics.