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Christian Education

Children’s Ministries

Our Children’s Ministry teaches and nurtures our children from birth through 5th grade. Children play a vital role in the life of our congregation, participating in intergenerational programs and assisting in worship.

Loving Nursery Care

Available for infants and toddlers (under age three during Sunday School, under age five during worship) from 9:00am through 11:30 am, and at other times as arranged.

Preschool Sunday School

A special class just for children ages 3 (by July 31) and 4. Using HeartShaper materials, the children will learn about God’s great love for them. Fun activities, crafts, and loving care help our youngest members feel safe and loved so they can grow in faith. Meets in the Preschool room on the ramp, follow the hallway to the back.

Godly Play Sunday School

Children in kindergarten through Grade 5 experience Godly Play in Sunday School. Godly Play is an approach to children’s spiritual formation where the stories of our faith are presented, children wonder about them together and the children are given open ended opportunities, usually with art supplies, to engage with the story on their own terms.

The stories are told very simply –with simple props – a box of sand to represent the desert, a piece of blue yarn to represent a river, a big rock to represent a mountain, wooden figures are the people.  Many of the pieces have been lovingly made – cut out of wood and painted by members of our congregation. Our church has also purchased beautiful pieces such as Noah’s ark and his family and the animals that the children can interact with.

After the story is presented, the children and the storyteller wonder together about aspects of the story. For instance, with the story of The Flood and The Ark, the wondering might be about how Noah and his family felt as they walked on to the ark, what it would be like to have rain for so long, or what part of the story is most important.

After the wondering time, the children choose the art supplies they would like to use, and they spend time creating a response to the story. They might draw a picture of some part of the story, make cutouts with paper, crayons, scissors, and glue, or act out the story.

Children growing up in this church will be full of these stories because they will have heard them over and over, have engaged in wondering about them, responded to them, and listened to the thoughts of others about them. And one day all these stories will surround them, and they will understand how these stories fit together to be a guide of how to live and to be a lens through which to see God’s presence in their lives.

Children’s Music

Our director, Beth Pope, looks forward to welcoming children each Sunday! In the Children’s Church Room at 9:15 am. Musical games, singing, instruments, and more. The children lead in worship once each month, generally on the third Sunday, but generally as arranged with families as needed.

Children in Church

Our Children’s Church service meets on Sunday mornings during our Church service. All kids aged 6-6th grade are welcome to join us on Sunday mornings. The Children join us for the first part of our worship service and then head to their room on the 3rd floor after the passing of the peace. When in Children’s church they will follow an order of service that includes time for prayer, games, and a lesson. We follow the Sparkhouse lectionary curriculum, so for the most part, the children will be following the teaching pattern of the Sunday service. Our Children’s church is a time filled with joy, laughter, and learning all blended.

Vacation Bible School

VBS 2024 was a blast! We joined our friends from Christ Episcopal Church and First Christian Church for a fun few days of Wild Wonder! We can’t wait to do it again next summer!

Kids At Church The Presbyterian Church of Bowling Green
Christian Education

Youth Ministry for Grades 6 -I2

The Youth Ministry of The Presbyterian Church exists to inclusively engage, joyfully connect and spiritually grow youth to become committed disciples.

We seek not only to provide an education, but to see that education empowers the youth of today to be the leaders of tomorrow–leaders in the Church, home, community, and place of work.

Youth Sunday School

Junior and Senior High Youth Meet on the third floor at 9:15 am in the Youth Room. Join us for a chance to get to know each other and spend some time learning as we discuss a range of topics from the Bible and the world around us and how they apply to our lives.

Sunday Youth Fellowship

Youth meet on Sundays from 5:00-7:00 pm. Dinner, fellowship, and discussion, along with lots of fun!

Middle School Retreats and Conferences

Our Middle Schoolers attend the Montreat Middle School conference each July. A great week of fellowship and learning. For more information visit The Front Office can also answer questions.

High School Retreats  and Conferences

Every Summer our High schoolers and rising 9th graders have the option to go to the Montreat conference. It is a time filled with worship, learning, games, and fellowship.

Youth Contact

For more information about youth events, contact The Front Office, as we search for our next Director of Youth Ministries.
Creating a safe environment so all may grow in faith is important to us! Read our Protection Policy and Social Media Policy here.

Montreat Youth Conference 2022

Adult Learning

Lifelong learners are motivated to learn and develop because they want to enrich their own and others’ lives. To study, work, and play together in the context of Christian faith strengthens each person and the community, enhances the world around us, and provides us with increasingly better opportunities to improve our quality of life and to serve our Lord.

  • Christian Thought Class
  • Coffee and Conversations
  • Liturgical Bible Studies

Christian Education Contact

For more information contact Julia Roberts, Christian Education Chair

Christian Education Ministry:

Julia Roberts, Chair; Mary Evans, Michelle Fluit, Wayne Hendricks, Susan Howard, Mike Kanan, Nathan Love, Catherine Reber, and Diane Simmons.

Coffee with Friends